Vancouver Postcard Club talks – October/November 2012

Coming up this fall at Vancouver Postcard Club meetings:

October 21st – Rein Stamm presents material from local photographers and postcard publishers, circa 1900 – 1920.

November 18th – Fred Hume will show highlights of his 30 plus years of postcard collecting, featuring two sports themes.

Vancouver Postcard Club meetings are held from noon to 2 pm at the Hastings Community Centre, 3096 E. Hastings St Vancouver, BC. See the Club website for more information on activities and membership.

Vancouver Postcard Club talk on Britannia Beach, Sunday Sept 16, 2012, Vancouver BC

This Sunday, Sept 16, from noon –  2:00 pm, Vancouver Postcard Club presents a talk by Art Davies on postcards of Britannia Beach – mines and community.

Britannia Beach was a ‘company town’ 50 kms north of Vancouver. At one time it was the largest Copper producing mine in the British Empire; it operated until 1974. Beset by landslides and other tragedies throughout its history, it is now a National Historic Site and enjoying the success of the refurbished Britannia Mine Museum.

This talk will be at the Hastings Community Centre in Vancouver, 3096 East Hastings St., V5K 2A3.

Vancouver Postcard Club:

War Memorial Postcard Talk, April 15, 2012, Vancouver, BC

M. Diane Rogers, club member and Past President of the British Columbia Genealogical Society, will be the guest speaker on Sunday, April 15th, noon – 2 pm.

Diane’s presentation will be on War Memorials and related subjects on postcards.

Across Canada, community cenotaphs, most built from the 1920s to honour the dead of World War I, are seen in small towns and big cities alike, but other types of war memorials from university gyms to high school tennis courts may also be found. Many of these have been commemorated on postcards, like this one showing the cenotaph in Chilliwack, BC, and believed to have been photographed and produced by Alexander Wilson in the 1930s. Margaret Waddington’s biography of Alexander and Hilda Wilson appeared in Postview, February 2011, published by the Vancouver Postcard Club.

Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada Cenotaph.

Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada Cenotaph. Postcard; private collection.